
游擊 Bombing 特展
Hi Organic動畫藝術設計工作室由2007年於台灣,台北成立。Organic team提到,台灣藝術設計環境成長緩慢,是由於同儕間不願分享各自相同背景知識,導致台灣藝術創作領域往往發展落後於其他國家。所以,此次受策展人陳敬凱Jing-kai, Chen之邀於華山藝文特區辦展。展覽目的,是因Hi Organic想分享近年來多次參與國際動畫競賽上的創作作品及Organic成員之平日創意發想間手繪作品,及相邀近年來Organic認為最具淺力的台灣年輕新一代藝術創作者,來讓更多支持本土藝術的朋友們,擁有良好藝術展覽空間可以欣賞這些創作作品。也期望,展覽目的能鼓舞其他也在這領域辛苦工作的藝術家們,讓大家未來也擁有這片舞台可以出聲及揮灑表演。

這次展覽內容,Hi Organic邀請了其他三位台灣年輕藝術家;沉到底先生Ken、黃子昂13、及謝宜霖72一同參與。展場項目包含了近年來的手繪插畫創作、影片製前手繪、繪畫及多次國際參展的動畫影片等。

開幕 / 2011 /9 /7 19:00-23:00

展期 / 2011 /9 /8 – 2011/9 11 11:00-20:00

地點 / 華山1914文創園區-中四A之3


Bombing exhibition

Hi Organic is a Taiwan based motion graphic arts studio founded since 2007. Hi Organic states that" in Taiwan people are selfish of sharing their knowledge to the same background competitors, therefore art industry in Taiwan always growing slower than the other country around the world." Indeed, Hi Organic studio accept the curators Jing-Kai, Chen's request to make an arts exhibition in Huashan creative park, Taiwan. Therefore, Hi Organic want to share the studio's works that joined loads international competitions in recently years. Also the exhibition will including arts works, idea sketch which created by Organic colleague in those years and few young artists which Organic thinking are the best in Taiwan. For this show, Hi Organic team try to making the best exhibition place that can showing our works. We also want to cheer up the other young artists, and wish everyone can having their own shows in the future soon then doing something for the Taiwan arts industry as well.

In this Bombing exhibition, Hi Organic invited 3 Taiwan freelance artists to join with us, which are Kitano, 13 and 72. The show will contain illustration art works, storyboard sketch, painting and as well as an on-going screening of exclusive motion graphic videos.

Private view / 09.07.2011 / 7pm
Exhibition date / 09.07.2011 until 09.11.2011.8pm
Place / Huashan creative park
